
A workplace fire can be traumatic. Keeping staff safe is essential when an emergency like this arises, and employers have a responsibility to educate the team about how to handle the situation. According to the experts at GMW Fire Protection in Anchorage, AK, this begins with a thorough understanding of safe fire extinguisher usage. They’re here to explain what you should do—and what to avoid.

How to Safely Use a Fire Extinguisher in the Workplace


Activate the fire alarm.

fire extinguisherEven if someone is going to use an extinguisher, it’s imperative to alert staff when an emergency situation arises. The fire alarm system serves as a signal to evacuate the building immediately. When activated, staff will hear a loud beeping noise. In some cases, this is followed by a pre-recorded message instructing them of where to go.

Learn the P.A.S.S. technique.

P.A.S.S. is the method used to operate the majority of fire extinguishers. First, Pull the pin to break the extinguisher’s seal. Then, Aim the nozzle at the low point, or base, of the flames. Next, Squeeze the handle to deliver the extinguishing product. Finally, Sweep your aim from one side of the base to the other until the blaze diminishes.


Tackle a large fire.

Never attempt to put out a large blaze on your own. Most portable fire extinguishers are designed to handle smaller situations that are simpler to douse. A larger event whose flames wick the ceiling or penetrate neighboring walls should not be extinguished without professional equipment and protective gear.

Approach too much heat.

Avoid extinguishing if it feels too hot when you’re standing approximately 10 feet away. If the heat is too intense, the air will be dangerous to breathe, and it may result in respiratory problems. It may also be difficult to see, making it risky to attempt to put out the flames.

Safeguard your workplace by taking the appropriate steps to protect everyone in the building from danger. In addition to installing fire alarms, the team at GMW Fire Protection also offers fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, and emergency and exit lighting. If your emergency system needs a boost, they can revamp it to assure the safety of your staff. Visit their website for more information about their products, or call them at (907) 336-5000.
