
If you enjoy hiking, camping, or working in your backyard, you’ve likely encountered ticks, whether you realized it or not. These parasites feed on blood and pass on diseases, which is why the pest control experts of Aloha Termite & Pest Control in Wahiawa, HI, warn about the dangers of tick bites. Here, they explain how to check yourself for ticks.

Know What to Look For

Ticks are spider-like insects with eight legs and black or brown, egg-shaped bodies about the size of a sunflower seed. Deer ticks are a bit smaller, so they are harder to spot. People usually pick up ticks when walking through forest underbrush.

Examine Clothing

Pest ControlAs soon as you come inside from the outdoors, examine your clothing for these unpleasant parasites. Ticks don’t jump, so they’re usually found on the lower parts of the body that brushed along undergrowth. Start at the bottom and work your way up, checking inside folds and pockets as well. If you see any ticks, toss your clothes in the washer and dryer, then use extra heat to kill them.

Use a Mirror

Once you’re done checking your clothes, check your body with a mirror. Ticks tend to burrow unnoticed into the skin. Look for bumps along your skin like protruding moles, taking special care to check warm areas like under the arms, between the legs, and along the scalp. Remove ticks with tweezers. Afterward, monitor your health because some diseases may not manifest until a day later. If you start having any unusual symptoms, consult a doctor.

While ticks tend to live in wilder locales, other unwelcome guests can easily make themselves at home in your house. When you have an infestation on your hands, turn to the licensed exterminators at Aloha Termite & Pest Control. Since 1999, they’ve provided all of Oahu with pest control services for everything from termites to rodents. Call them today at (808) 622-2268 to schedule a free inspection, and visit their website to learn more about their services.
