
Summer is the season for adventure, road trips, and the exploration of new cities. However, if you're not careful, you may come home from a relaxing vacation to an overworked air conditioner and a massive energy bill. Prevent this from happening to you with a few strategic energy-saving tips.

Set Your Air Conditioner

Of all the appliances in a home, a central air conditioner uses up the most energy on average. In one hour, it consumes around 15,000 watts with the next closest ranking in at 4,000 watts. Reduce its usage to save energy while you’re away.

Depending on the climate, your home’s propensity for heat buildup, and the length of your trip, you may want to leave your AC on. Though an AC uses zero energy while shut off, it must work harder to return to the desired temperature after days of unmitigated heat. On the other hand, a system set to a high temperature, like 80-degrees Fahrenheit, uses a consistent but lower amount of electricity, and can more easily cool the house down. Keep in mind that the change of just three degrees in a day may save up to 30% on cooling costs.

Unplug Appliances

air conditionerUnlike an air conditioner, most other machines, including the dryer, water heater, television, microwave, lighting fixtures, and computer, can be turned off and unplugged. If multiple plugs are connected to a surge protector, switch the strip off. Collectively, this can save a massive amount of energy and money. Electronics continue to absorb electricity even when shut off, which is called “phantom power.” With the average American household containing 24 electrical products, you can save an immense amount of energy by unplugging them when they’re not in use. 


If you're having trouble keeping energy costs low, have your air conditioner inspected. Those in the Windward side of Oahu, HI, trust Windward Air Conditioning for their maintenance needs. Since 1996, this family-owned business has specialized in air conditioner installation and repair. From the ductless system to central, they'll take on any residential or commercial job. Learn more about their services online, and schedule a free onsite estimate by calling (808) 242-1144 today.
