
Car accidents, flailing children, and even a sudden slip can cause facial trauma, leaving patients wondering what to do about a dental fracture or a knocked-out tooth. Fortunately, by preparing for dental accidents, you can protect your smile until you make it to the dentist. Here are three ways to prepare yourself for unexpected dental emergencies. 

Dental Trauma Preparedness Tips 

1. Understand Common Problems

Learning as much as you can about dental emergencies also makes it easier to prevent problems. For instance, knowing you should never touch a lost tooth by the roots will help you avoid further damage. Research common dental emergencies like avulsions, chipped teeth, oral lacerations, and cracks, so you know how to respond when problems occur. 

2. Keep Emergency Supplies on Hand 

dentistEmergency dental supplies such as temporary dental wax, crown kits, and even tooth preservation jars can help you soothe irritation and keep teeth alive until you can make it to your dentist’s office. Tooth preservation kits contain a balanced salt solution that keeps blood vessels in knocked-out teeth open, paving the way for a successful replacement. Dental wax can be used to temporarily fill areas where cavities have been lost, and crown kits allow patients to cover exposed dentin until a lost crown can be replaced. Stock your home’s first aid kit with dental supplies to make emergencies easier to manage. 

3. Talk With Your Dentist

Every dental practice manages emergencies a little differently, so speak with your dentist about their protocols. Ask for their emergency contact information, after-hours rates, and services offered so you don’t have to search for information when you are injured. 


You never know when dental emergencies will occur, but by being prepared, you can make issues less stressful. The team at James Julien, DDS, in Kenai, AK is available to help with everything from preventative care to dental emergencies, helping patients to protect their smiles. Additionally, by offering services like veneers, crowns, and dental implants, Dr. Julien can help to restore damaged smiles after a serious injury. To learn more about ways this practice can help, visit their website or call (907) 283-4857.
