
Many families choose cremation over a traditional burial; it is less expensive and offers a variety of options for handling the remains. The compassionate staff at the Fred D. Knapp & Son Funeral Home in Greenwich, CT, assists individuals in making the right choice for them and their loved ones. Below, they answer four common questions to offer clarity on the topic.

Common Concerns About Cremation

Can I Still Hold a Memorial Service?

Many families choose to hold a ceremony to say goodbye to their loved one, during which they may or may not elect to have the urn present. A funeral home will still work with you to design a memorial service that honors the deceased’s memory; there is no need to select a traditional burial solely because you want to have a funeral.

What Are the Differences Between This & a Traditional Burial?

A traditional burial requires buying a casket, which is typically present during a service and is either open or closed. Afterward, there would be a procession to the cemetery where the deceased is laid to rest. A cremation, on the other hand, involves purchasing an urn. From there, the family has more freedom to decide what to do with the remains. Many choose to hold a service or scatter the ashes.

Do I Have to Bury the Urn?

cremationMany people take it home with them so they can feel closer to their loved one. Others decide to forgo the urn and purchase a transport container, so they can bring the deceased to a place they cherished while they were alive and scatter their ashes there.

Are There Any Rules Regarding Scatterings?

Although ashes don’t pose a threat to the environment, there are some regulations about scattering them in a body of water or a state park. It’s best to check with the funeral home you’re working with or look up the local rules online to ensure it’s okay to hold the ceremony at the intended location.

If you have additional questions about cremation, the team at the family-owned Fred D. Knapp & Son Funeral Home will be happy to answer them. They have been helping area residents say goodbye to their loved ones since 1846 and offer a wide variety of services. You’ll work with a professional who is highly competent and will guide you through this difficult time. To learn more, call (203) 869-0315 or visit them online today to learn more about how they can assist.
