
Summer is the perfect time of year to invite guests over to enjoy your pool. While it's no secret that pools come with some major safety hazards, there are a few rules you can implement to ensure everyone stays safe and healthy, which decreases the chances of a personal injury case against you. Below, the attorneys at Ibold & O'Brien in Chardon, OH, discuss four important rules all pool owners should put in place.

4 Important Rules to Enforce at Your Home Pool

1. Don't Leave Kids Unattendedpersonal injury

Keep your eyes on the little ones every second they're in the pool. An accident can happen in the blink of an eye. For especially inexperienced swimmers, stay within an arm's length of them at all times. If you're uncomfortable with or unsure about a child's swimming abilities, require them to wear a life jacket. Also, don't allow running on the surfaces surrounding the pool as these areas will likely be wet and more likely to cause a fall.

2. Use Fences, Gates & Barriers

When guests are over, but the pool isn't in use, secure it so no one can fall in. If there is a gate or fence around the perimeter of the pool, lock it. If you have a safety barrier or covering that goes over your pool, take the time to put it on. Consider this an extra insurance policy.

3. Prohibit Diving

Home pools generally are not deep enough to accommodate diving. A dive could cause a spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, or worse. Post “No Diving” signs around your pool, and before any swimmer hits the water, let them know that diving is not allowed under any circumstances.

4. Don't Swim Alone

The idea of a nice, solitary dip in the pool certainly has a dreamy appeal, but the risks of a water accident only multiply when there's no one around to help. Ask your guests to swim only when someone else is present; you could not only prevent a personal injury lawsuit, but you could also save a life.

If you've experienced a personal injury at a pool, know your rights and legal options. Trust Ibold & O'Brien to look out for you and your interests. Since 1980, they have been representing Northeast Ohio clients in personal injury, bankruptcy, and estate planning matters, to name just a few of their practice areas. Call (440) 285-3511 or visit them online to set up an appointment today.
