
As nice as it is to stay inside and enjoy the comfort of your HVAC system, the air flowing throughout your home will inevitably become dirty, stale, and polluted with harmful contaminants. That's why in-home air exchangers are such a vital addition to systems of all sizes. If you haven't spoken to your HVAC contractor about installation, here’s an overview of the many benefits that come along with this essential component.

What Is an Air Exchanger?

Without any means for fresh air to enter while stale air exits, sealed homes become breeding grounds for pollutants. In-home air exchangers fix this problem by connecting to the ductwork of your HVAC system to move fresh air into each room through air distribution grills. Meanwhile, dirty air moves toward the outside grills, which can typically be found at the highest level of the home. These grills and their corresponding ducts work with the air exchanger to manage the entire home's ventilation needs.

What Are the Benefits?

hvac contractorAn air exchanger installed by an HVAC contractor boosts indoor air quality, which is particularly helpful for those with existing asthma or allergy concerns. Polluted air will only aggravate these and other chronic respiratory diseases. You may also experience fewer symptoms related to high levels of carbon dioxide, such as drowsiness and headaches.

In addition to removing potentially harmful elements, as well as lingering dust and dander, installing an air exchanger will lead to a less humid indoor environment. The less humid your home is, the less likely it will be to attract hazardous mold and mildew growth.


Don't live another day in a home full of dirty and polluted air. Get in touch with the expert HVAC contractors at Blue Ox Heating & Air of Minneapolis, MN, to find out how they can help with this and other key heating and AC installation services. Their team knows how important it is to make sure your cooling and heating systems are running smoothly all year round, and they're dedicated to keeping Twin Cities metro area residents as comfortable as possible. Head to their website to learn more about their services, and call (612) 217-7759 to schedule an appointment with an HVAC contractor.
