
Regular pumping will keep your septic system in top condition, extending its useful life and avoiding some unpleasant sewage complications for your family. However, every property owner asks the question of how often they should hire a septic tank pumping service to do this job. Here’s a quick guide to help you decide.

How to Plan a Schedule

The general rule of thumb is to have your tank pumped once every three years. However, there are other factors that may affect this schedule. First, consider the size of your tank; the larger it is, the longer it can go without pumping. The manufacturer can provide you with a recommendation of how often your tank’s size indicates it should be pumped.

septic tank pumping serviceYou should also take into account the size of the household. The more occupants, the more often you’ll need pumping. Putting water into the septic tank will increase how often you need to pump it. Things such as using your garbage disposal regularly, having a pool, or watering a garden are indicators you need to pump more often. A household with five occupants and a 2,500-gallon tank, for example, should expect to schedule septic tank pumping service once every six years. Meanwhile, a residence with three people and a 500-gallon tank may have to get it pumped once every two years.

Signs You’re Overdue

It’s important that you recognize the problems early on and call for a pumping service as soon as possible. Check for pooling water around your drain field and unexpectedly lush grass from all the standing waste liquid. You may get a sewage backup inside your home or smell sewage when using drains.


When you get a septic installation with Green Acres Septic Tank Service in Callaway County, MO, and the surrounding counties, they will consider all the above factors and give you a recommended pumping schedule. They will handle all your septic maintenance needs on your new or existing system, and they’ll always offer their honest opinion and pricing for what you need. See their exceptional customer reviews online to see what to expect, then call (573) 529-6706 to schedule a septic tank pumping service.
