
Traditionally, August is one of the hottest months of the year. With long days and the scorching summer sun shining down on every yard, lawn maintenance can be an uphill battle. That’s why R & T Lawn Services, a trusted lawn health expert based in Denver, NC, likes to spread the word on their signature approach this time of year. If you’re worried about the weather’s impact on your landscape, here’s what you can expect this month. 

What Can Homeowners Expect This Time of Year?

With high temperatures and less rainfall than usual, many lawns, particularly those with fescue grass, will see a bit of damage this time of year, such as brittle grass and dead patches. Professional lawn maintenance companies will maintain yards using weed control and mosquito control services to keep unwanted pests and plant life at bay. It’s important to remember that come August, even yards with perfect irrigation systems, professional lawn service, and lots of TLC will have a little trouble facing the elements, but the ramifications aren’t permanent if you stay vigilant. 

What’s the Best Way to Water Fescue Lawns?

Lawn MaintenanceTypically, lawns require an inch of water every week to maintain healthy and happy roots. Since it’s common to see a bit more damage in August, consider increasing your watering an additional inch. While it might be tempting if you see your grass in distress, avoid overwatering, as it can lead to upward growth that encourages disease. For best results, irrigate early in the morning, from 5:00 am to 7:00 am before it’s too hot. Evening watering gives water too long to stay on each blade and can lead to disease.

If you call Catawba, Gaston, Lincoln, or Mecklenburg County, NC, home and need an experienced and dependable lawn maintenance team that specializes in helping customers with comprehensive, year-round assistance, call R & T Lawn Services at (704) 589-0713 to schedule your first appointment. To learn more about the additional treatments they provide, including weed and mosquito control, visit their website
