
Speeding might seem like a relatively minor traffic offense, but it can have major consequences. Motorists who speed are putting not only themselves at risk but also people in traffic around them. As a result, law enforcement personnel in North Carolina take such violations seriously. If you receive a speeding ticket, you face severe penalties and costly consequences. Here, the knowledgeable team at High Point’s Hill & Hovis explains what they are.

What Are the Penalties for Speeding?

1. Fines & Court Costs

speeding ticketIn the state of North Carolina, fines for moving violations that do not require a court appearance can range from $10 to $250. These fines are in addition to all applicable court costs, however, which means the total due can be much higher. 

2. Driver’s License Points

Like most states, North Carolina uses a point system to penalize motorists who commit multiple moving violations. More severe violations will result in more points on your driving record. For example, littering while driving equals one point, while speeding in a school zone will add three to your record. If you accumulate 12 points within a three-year period, you face a license suspension.  

3. Higher Insurance Premiums

Insurance providers consider those who have a history of speeding to be high-risk policyholders and charge them more for coverage as a result. Because of these higher rates, researchers have determined that a $30 speeding ticket actually costs drivers an average of $1,619.63.  

If you have recently received a speeding ticket and think you have grounds to fight it, turn to Hill & Hovis. Based in High Point, this firm helps clients challenge traffic offenses to preserve their driving records. Their team has more than 60 years of combined experience providing unparalleled legal representation in various practice areas, including criminal defense and personal injury law. To request an initial consultation with a traffic law attorney, visit their website or call (336) 883-6000. 
