
Whether you’re taking a hot shower or quenching your thirst, you use tap water on a daily basis. However, many don't think twice about the chemicals or minerals it contains. Depending on where you live, your water is categorized as either hard or soft. To help you better understand these terms, Tarvin Plumbing, a top plumber in Cincinnati, OH, explains the differences between hard and soft water below.

What Is Hard Water?

plumberAccording to plumbers, hard water is more common between the two. The majority of U.S. states, including Ohio, runs water with a high mineral content. This means that, as the H20 runs through the ground, pipes, and waterways, it gradually picks up dissolved sediment such as calcium, chalk, lime, and magnesium. Some may be able to detect a metallic taste while drinking, though it is often subtle. Because the human body requires minerals for a variety of functions, hard water is actually considered healthier than soft water. Magnesium, for example, is needed for bone and heart health. It can also curb migraines, premenstrual pains, and anxiety. Calcium, on the other hand, is well-known for building strong bones. The only downfall of using hard water is the film it can leave behind. After washing dishes, your glasses are more prone to spots. After showering, your skin may feel slightly tight or dehydrated. This is simply a film of minerals being left behind.

What Is Soft Water?

Soft water contains far fewer minerals, if any, and is treated using only sodium. States such as New York are prone to naturally occurring soft tap. This type of water is known for its benefits in skin and hair care. Because it contains fewer minerals, it does not leave any buildup behind. It will leave your skin feeling soft and supple and your hair with more shine. Dishes will be spotless, as will countertops and faucets. Likewise, your appliances may last longer. This can cut-down time spent cleaning and money invested in repairs. The only drawback of soft water is its lack of health benefits. However, a well-balanced diet and complementary vitamins will ensure your mind and body are in top condition.

Because of the incredible benefits of soft water, many have an artificial softener installed in their home. If you're looking to do the same, contact Tarvin Plumbing. Based out of Cincinnati, OH, this plumber has more than 100 years of experience in the industry. Learn more about their water treatment options by visiting their website. Or, have your questions answered by dialing (513) 321-5726.
