
From delivering water to plumbing fixtures and draining waste from your property, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes serve a wide variety of functions. Although the durable plastic often stands in as a cost-effective alternative to metal piping, it is still prone to common problems without routine maintenance. Below are five issues that have a negative impact on PVC tubes and pipe fittings

5 Concerns That Could Ruin PVC Pipes

1. Sun Exposure

If you have PVC pipes installed in the yard or attached to the property’s facade, make sure to cover the fixtures with PVC primer and water-based latex paint. Otherwise, excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays could deteriorate the material over time, leading to leaks and potential failure. 

2. Water Pressure

When H2O moves through the channels at full force, it could dislodge pipe fittings. High water velocity could also cause a water hammer to develop in the channels. Adjusting the pressure valve will prevent the liquid from flowing too fast through the pipes and causing these problems. 

3. Debris Buildup

Dalton-Georgia-pipe-fittingsIf PVC pipes are installed underground, rocks could puncture equipment. Shifting soil also places pressure on the investment, causing the tubes to crack or the pipe fittings to snap out of position. Making sure the area is free of debris before installation could prevent these issues down the line and extend the life of the fixtures.  

4. Faulty Installation

How PVC tubes and pipe fittings are installed will go a long way in determining whether they’ll last for years to come. Beyond making sure the soil is free of debris, contractors should also use the appropriate amount of solvent cement to seal the pipe fittings. Using too much could cause the fixtures to buckle under the strain, while not using enough won’t provide a strong enough bond to hold components together. 

5. Manufacturing Defects

Before installing PVC pipe fittings and tubes, a contractor should inspect each piece of equipment for cracks, deformities, missing parts, and any other cause for concern. If there is a manufacturing issue, they can send back the shipment immediately for a replacement. Otherwise, installing the damaged gear could cut the life expectancy of PVC piping short. 


If you need pipe fittings, water regulators, or additional industrial hardware for a plumbing installation, replacement, or repair, Caylor Industrial Sales in Dalton, GA, is a one-stop shop for everything you’ll need for a wide range of applications. To learn more about construction supplies available in Whitfield County, call (706) 226-­3198. Visit the store online to learn more about the manufacturer merchandise they sell, and follow them on Facebook for announcements. 
