
A gynecology professional may recommend a hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus and cervix, to treat a disorder or condition. If you’re planning such a procedure, it’s common to feel stressed and uncertain about what to expect. To help you prepare for the process, below are a few suggestions about the steps you can take.

What to Do Before a Hysterectomy

1. Talk to Your Doctor

Before your procedure, speak with a gynecology professional about what you can expect from the surgery. Ask them about any foods or liquids you should avoid and if you need to take any medication the night before. It’s important to follow all the doctor’s instructions to ensure everything goes smoothly.

2. Schedule Accordingly

A hysterectomy is a major surgery, so it’s crucial to schedule yourself enough time after the procedure to recover. Your gynecology professional will provide you with a recommended period; but, on average, anticipate four to six weeks.

3. Have a Support System

gynecologyIf you’re stressed about the upcoming procedure, don’t bottle up your feelings. Speak with a friend or family member and schedule some quality time together, so they can help you relax. Bring them to the hospital with you. They can fill out any additional paperwork and drive you to the procedure. After the surgery, you’ll want to coordinate visits with loved ones to ensure you have time to recuperate and heal. 

4. Get a Good Night’s Rest

The night before the surgery can be stressful, but it’s important to get as much sleep as possible. Take a hot bath or shower to alleviate your nerves. Speak with a doctor about any medication you can take to help rest and relax; they may be able to prescribe something to treat your anxiety.


A hysterectomy treats many different women’s health issues—but preparing for one can also be nerve-racking. If you are considering this procedure, turn to the team at Midwest Urogynecology in St. Louis, MO. They provide a variety of urology and gynecology health services using state-of-the-art solutions. To learn more about their practice, visit the website, or call (314) 596-9955 to schedule an appointment today.
