
Today, many individuals are taking planning their funerals into their own hands. Preplanning these events offers many benefits for you and your loved ones. Why are so many people making decisions like which casket they want or which flowers to have at their memorial long before they pass away? Below, Cornwell Funeral Home in Dardanelle, AR, shares three reasons they recommend people preplan their funerals to help you get an idea if you want to do the same.

Preplanning Funerals Offers These 3 Benefits

1. Your Wishes Are Respected

How will your friends and family have the celebration of life you want if they don’t know what your wishes before you pass away? Your funeral, cremation, and memorial can be exactly as you wish if you lay out your ideas ahead of time. Put your thoughts in writing and share the information with your next of kin and your attorney so you can talk through everything in detail.

2. There’s Time to Prepare for Funeral Financing

funeral preplanningFunerals can cost a lot of money, and when the passing occurs suddenly, it can be difficult for the surviving family members to cover the expenses. By preplanning the service, you’ll be able to set aside money each month to relieve your loved ones of this responsibility.

3. You’ll Give Your Loved Ones Time to Grieve

After your passing, your loved ones will likely want to do everything possible to create a service they feel honors your memory. However, while they’re grieving, this can be a difficult task. By creating a plan ahead of time, you’ll take this potential burden off your loved ones and allow them more time to grieve and seek the comfort of others who knew you.

Pre-planning your funeral will allow you to have the event that you want, give you time to pay for the services and remove the burden of making end-of-life decisions from your loved ones. To gain some preplanning resources talk with the compassionate and experienced staff at Cornwell Funeral Home. The locally owned company has been in business since 1898, providing grief support, funerals and cremation services to area residents in need. To learn about their many service offerings and start planning your funeral call (479) 229-2524 or visit the website for more information on their respectful and knowledgeable team.
