
Senior citizens who can no longer care for themselves are among the most vulnerable members of our society, which is why we entrust their care to professionals in a nursing home or assisted living setting. However, nursing home neglect and abuse has been known to occur, which is not only wrong but violates basic rights granted to every resident of a nursing home under federal lawReed Law Offices PC, nursing home abuse attorneys dedicated to helping people throughout Nebraska, wants you to know the rights to which everyone in a care facility is entitled:

  • You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Even if your basic standard of care is being met, nursing home staff who behave in a disrespectful manner are still violating their residents' rights.
  • Every resident has the right to manage their finances or appoint a trusted guardian to do it for them. Nursing home staff cannot require that residents hand over control of their money.
  • You also have a basic right to privacy, as well as the right to keep and use your own belongings as long as they don't interfere with anyone else.
  • As far as possible, you have the right to set your daily schedule, such as when you get up and go to sleep, as well as any other important activities.

These are just a few of the rights granted to nursing home residents under the law. To learn more, visit Reed Law Offices PC online, or call (402) 933-0588 now to schedule a free consultation with an injury attorney if you suspect these rights have been violated.
