
When you read about people who are incredibly successful, what kinds of qualities do you attribute to them? Determination? Ingenuity? Perhaps a bit of luck? Unless they happen to be models, their looks are probably one of the last aspects you consider. As it turns out, though, obtaining a winning smile with the help of a cosmetic dentist could mean the difference between staying where you are and climbing that corporate ladder. Researchers found that Americans equate straight teeth with success and perceive people who have perfect smiles to be smarter, happier, and more trustworthy. Here, Ohio’s Charles P. Debbane, DDS shares a few more reasons to strive for stunning pearly whites.

3 Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry 

1. More Self-Confidence

Improving your smile may seem like a minor superficial change, but it can have a major impact on overall self-confidence. With more self-esteem comes more opportunities, and taking advantage of them can ultimately improve all aspects of life, from your personal relationships to your professional development. 

2. Healthier Teeth 

cosmetic dentistSome cosmetic procedures can protect teeth from future damage. For example, if you opt for veneers after chipping a tooth, they will protect what remains of your natural teeth from cracks, chips, staining, and worn enamel.  

3. Deeper Connections 

Smiling puts others at ease, which means cosmetic dentistry can help you foster deeper connections with those around you. Those who are not ashamed of their teeth are far more likely to smile in all kinds of social settings. This can be advantageous in dozens of scenarios, from job interviews to first dates. 

If you want to improve your smile with teeth whitening, Invisalign®, or dental veneers, turn to a cosmetic dentist at Charles P. Debbane, DDS in Hamilton, OH. Since 1991, this family practice has been providing comprehensive care for patients throughout Butler County. In 2012, Laura M. Arnold D.D.S. joined Dr. Debbane after being a lifelong patient of his. Together, they offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services. Visit their website or call (513) 887-6654 to request an appointment with a skillful cosmetic dentist today. 
