
If you suffer injuries in an accident someone else caused, do you know what compensation to request? Seasoned personal injury lawyers ensure their clients seek the right types and amounts of damages. Here are examples of typical damage claims attorneys help injured individuals pursue.

5 Types of Personal Injury Damages

1. Lost Wages

Getting hurt in an accident often means missing time from work. You can recover damages for days and weeks of lost wages or salary. With help from personal injury lawyers, employed people can prove their lost income accurately.

2. Medical Bills

personal-injury-lawyer-Ruidoso-NMAfter an accident, you may need emergency room care, doctors’ visits, hospital stays, and therapy, and you are entitled to recoup those expenses. You can also recover prescription drug and over-the-counter medication costs, as well as mileage expenses for going to and from medical appointments.      

3. Loss of Future Earning Capacity

Serious injuries often lead to partial or complete loss of the ability to work or earn a living. Accident lawyers consult doctors, accountants, and other professionals when calculating amounts of damages clients should seek when their injuries prevent them from returning to their pre-accident jobs.

4.  Property Damage

Individuals with personal injury claims can recover their property damage losses. Attorneys seek recovery of costs for repair or replacement of vehicles, equipment, clothing, and other items on behalf of their clients. 

5. Pain & Suffering  

Calculating money damages for pain and suffering is difficult because how much someone hurts is a subjective decision. Skilled attorneys use a variety of calculation methods, including formulas based on amounts of property damage, medical expenses, and lost wages.  


Determining what types and amounts of damages to seek is a skill personal injury lawyers develop through years of experience. Since 1977, Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. in Ruidoso, New Mexico, has helped injured individuals successfully assess and recover the full measure of damages in their cases. Learn more about how the office will serve you if you are injured by calling (575) 257-3070 and making an appointment with a dedicated personal injury lawyer.
