
Sushi is a popular food for seafood lovers, but a few common myths have led this fresh fish dish to be misunderstood. From determining freshness by the color of the fish to avoiding seafood restaurants on certain days, the team at Ahi and Vegetable in Honolulu, HI, is prepared to debunk these false assumptions. 

Common Sushi Myths Debunked by Seafood Restaurant Chefs

1. Bright Pink Tuna is the Best Kind

Contrary to popular belief, the color of the fish does not always indicate that it's fresh tuna. Unfortunately, there are ways to make fish look pink and fresh, so you shouldn't always go by the color. Instead, ensure you're eating seafood from a trusted restaurant who prides themselves on their fish quality.

2. Ginger Should Top the Fish

You can add a bit of wasabi or soy sauce to your sushi, but the ginger isn't there to be enjoyed with your meal. Instead, it's made to clean your palate so that you can really savor the tastes of each piece of seafood, rather than have them blend together. 

3. Sushi Should Be Dipped in Soy Sauce

seafood restaurantChances are you dunk your sushi in soy sauce before biting into it—but that's not how it was intended. The fresh seafood should have enough flavor on its own that it doesn't need the added umami. In other cases, the chef may mix it with some ingredients in advance. Try skipping the soy sauce next time and take in the tastes. 

4. You Should Avoid Eating It on Certain Days

Most high-quality sushi restaurants place fish orders daily to ensure that their products are fresh and delicious. This is especially true on an island like Hawaii, where fresh fish is available for the majority of the year. 

5. Always Use Chopsticks

Chopsticks are a popular utensil at Japanese seafood restaurants, but you can enjoy your sushi with your hands—specifically if you're in a fancier restaurant. Fresh rice will fall apart from the seafood when packaged properly, so chopsticks aren't always the best way to enjoy your meal.

If you're looking for high-quality seafood and sushi in Honolulu, HI, visit the team at Ahi and Vegetable today. The chefs at this seafood restaurant pride themselves on only buying and selling the best and freshest fish, earning them first place as Hawaii's Best Sushi in 2016 and 2017. Owner Sam Seo purchases local fresh tuna every day and provides seafood delivery services. Visit their website to browse their menu of sushi platters, and call (808) 599-3500 to inquire about their downtown location, or (808) 845-3500 to chat with someone at their main store. 
