
Social media can keep you connected to your loved ones and updated on current events. However, it can also be a hindrance, especially when it comes to legal cases. Below, personal injury attorney J. Hawley Holman of the Law Office of Hawley Holman in Texarkana, TX, shares three reasons why you should stay off all platforms until your case is over.

How Social Media Can Damage Your Case

1. You May Accidentally Escalate the Situation

In the aftermath of an accident, you may feel angry or upset and post disparaging remarks about the individual responsible for your injury. However, doing this can complicate your legal case. If the other party sees these posts and believes the comments are particularly harsh or vituperative, they may hire an attorney to sue for defamation or even take out a restraining order against you.

2. What You Post Can Be Used Against You

attorneyAny information you post on a social media account becomes a matter of public record. As such, anything you say on a forum could be used against you in a legal case. For example, if you swear under penalty of perjury that you have experienced a life-limiting personal injury, yet post status updates about partying with friends or going on a big vacation, an attorney can use those statements to challenge the truth of the initial claim.

3. Insurers May Deny You Coverage

The insurance company has a vested interest in providing as little coverage as possible to save money. If you file a claim for a serious injury yet post Instagram photos of yourself out dancing at a nightclub, an insurer may use those images as proof that the damages aren’t so severe.

Avoiding all social media for the duration of your case will help your injury claim. For further legal counsel, turn to the Law Office of Hawley Holman. He will fight for your rights and best interests and ensure you get the necessary compensation to recover. Attorney Holman has been representing personal injury and wrongful death cases for over three decades. Call (903) 792-4513 or visit him online to schedule a consultation today.
