
One of the leading dental problems in children is tooth decay. While some parents dismiss the presence of cavities in baby teeth as common, they fail to realize this can lead to poor dental health in the future. Prevent this by starting good dental habits at a young age. Since children follow by example, Pedodontic Associates, a trusted pediatric dental group on Honolulu, HI, offers a few tips on how to teach oral hygiene below.   

What Are The Ways To Do It?

Children are pediatric dentistquite observant, so brush and floss together with them to show the correct way of doing things. Make their oral hygiene routine fun by turning it into a game, letting your kids pick their toothbrushes, and offering incentives as an encouragement. If you have dental problems, like tooth decay or cavities, point these out while explaining how to avoid them. Consider visiting your dentist with the whole family. As you sit on the chair, let your children watch the procedure so they will know what to expect when it’s their turn.  

How Should Children Brush Their Teeth?

Children’s teeth are at risk of decay once they erupt. That’s why it’s important to teach them the basics of brushing their teeth right away. Use a small, soft-bristled brush and smear it with toothpaste about the size of a rice grain. In brushing, what matters is cleaning each tooth thoroughly, regardless of the motion. Help your children brush all of their teeth since they tend to focus on the front teeth only. If they exhibit resistance during your supervision, play a game to make sure every tooth gets cleaned.

Why Is Balanced Diet Important to Dental Care?

Aside from regular brushing and frequent check-ups with a pediatric dentist, oral hygiene also involves eating a balanced diet. Sugary and starchy foods promote the growth of acid-producing bacteria in the mouth. If left unchecked, this may result in tooth decay and cavities. Avoid this by steering clear of sugary snacks, such as candies and dried fruit leathers, and unrefined sugars like honey and maple syrup. What your children need is a balanced diet with plenty of calcium and vitamin D for stronger teeth and healthier gums. Create a meal plan with them that includes daily servings of calcium-rich food, like milk, broccoli, and tofu, among others.   

Good oral hygiene in children is the key to preventing severe dental problems in the future. Rely on an experienced pediatric dentist who can provide quality oral care to your babies and kids. At Pedodontic Associates, you’re assured top-notch services from the best children’s dentists across Oahu and Maui. Schedule an appointment by calling (808) 735-1733 for Honolulu, (808) 487-7933 for Aiea, and (808) 877-0066 for Kahului. You may also visit them online to learn more about their pediatric dentist services.
