
Carbon monoxide poisoning results in nearly 400 deaths a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Homeowners can prevent tragedy by learning about the potentially fatal gas and ways to detect its presence. Specializing in security systems for homes and businesses, the team at Action Security & Communications in Rochester, NY, answers some common questions about carbon monoxide.

What You Need to Know About Carbon Monoxide

What Is Carbon Monoxide & Why Is It So Dangerous?

carbon monoxideCarbon monoxide, or CO, is known as a “silent” killer because it’s colorless, tasteless, and odorless. Unfortunately, this masks its presence and prevents homeowners from recognizing there’s a problem. When inhaled, it inhibits oxygen from traveling through the body, which can have fatal consequences.

Where Does It Come From?

CO is a byproduct of burning fuel, so any combustible engine or appliance produces it. In the home, these devices include your car, gas grills, furnaces, and generators. In many cases, these appliances malfunction and release CO into the atmosphere. In homes, it may also build up in the air if the chimney has a blockage or you use a gas appliance in a poorly ventilated area.

What Are the Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

Many symptoms of CO poisoning mirror those of the flu. People may experience a sudden onset of dizziness, generalized weakness, chest pain, nausea, headache, or confusion. Unfortunately, many victims are asleep when they’re exposed and don’t realize there’s a problem until they die from asphyxia.

What Is the Best Way to Prevent It?

Hiring a security systems professional to install a carbon monoxide detector is a critical first step to protect your family. It should be in a central area on each floor of the house, so it’s easy to hear. If you have gas-burning appliances in the home, have them serviced annually to confirm they’re working correctly. If you or anyone in the family experiences sudden symptoms like those below, leave the premises and call 911.

Don’t allow the threat of carbon monoxide to scare you or worry your family. The professionals at Action Security & Communications put your safety first, and they’ll make sure you’re protected from this poisonous gas by installing detectors in your home. Visit their website or call (800) 445-1410 to learn more about this and other safety and security options to protect your home and family.
