
Everything you flush or pour down the drain in your home ends up in your septic tank. Also known as holding tanks, these containers require pumping every few years to prevent leaks, plumbing backups, groundwater contamination, and other messy and expensive problems. How often you need septic cleaning depends on various factors.

When Should You Schedule Septic Cleaning?

The general rule of septic cleaning is to schedule it every two to five years. Your septic system will let you know when it has reached maximum sludge capacity if you do not adhere to a regular maintenance schedule. You will likely notice a foul odor around drains and the tank, slow drains, plumbing backups, and wet and spongy ground — indicating effluent, or sewage breakout, areas.

What Increases Pumping Frequency?

septic cleaningHow often you require septic cleaning depends on four major factors according to the Environmental Protection Agency: household size, septic tank size, the amount of solids in the tank, and the amount of generated wastewater. If you have four or more people living in your home, for example, you will benefit from septic cleaning every two years due to the volume of water and solids being flushed from your home every day. The two-year rule is especially important if you use a garbage disposal daily.

Flushing practices also influence your septic cleaning schedule. If members of your household flush items that do not belong in your septic tank — such as cotton balls and swabs, coffee grounds, cat litter, cigarettes, chemical cleaners, and feminine products — the system will clog quickly. Additionally, household cleaners and other toxic chemicals kill the natural microorganisms within the tank to disrupt system efficiency and potentially cause premature pumping.


A Plus Sewer Service has provided residents throughout the New Hampton, NY, area with quality septic cleaning services for almost 30 years. The plumbing company built a reputation on reliable, affordable services, including 24-hour emergency services. Whether you need septic cleaning, drain cleaning, toilet repair, or have another plumbing issue requiring attention, call (845) 294-6103 today to schedule service based on your schedule. Visit the website for details and like the Facebook page for additional tips.
