
Whether you’re looking for ways to relieve stress or detox, acupuncture provides a number of health benefits. This alternative medicine involves penetrating the skin with thin needles to stimulate the body’s natural signals and treat a variety of physical and emotional ailments. To determine whether this wellness method is right for you, consider how the treatment benefits some common health conditions.

3 Disorders Acupuncture Can Improve

1. Strokes

For individuals still recovering from stroke-induced paralysis, speech, swallowing problems, or depression, there are a number of ways this treatment method can improve health. One component of stroke rehabilitation is helping the brain heal itself to then rewire the body to a new way of accomplishing movements and tasks. This can be achieved through the use of electrical stimulation, which is often a part of acupuncture. The extra stimulation provided by this solution acts as a catalyst to help the brain rewire itself.

2. High Blood Pressure

acupuntureIn addition to acupuncture’s neural impact, it can help regulate the cardiovascular system and alleviate high blood pressure symptoms. Research shows that, when combined with a well-managed medication regimen, acupuncture reduces common issues like fatigue, coldness in the hands and feet, and headaches. Regular 30-minute electroacupuncture sessions have also been found to lower study participants’ blood pressure in the long term, making it a promising option for people looking to regain control of their heart health.

3. Menstrual Pain

While many women experience mild cramping during their periods, some go through a series of severe symptoms known as dysmenorrhea. The condition is characterized by intense cramps that can also affect the lower back and thighs, nausea, fatigue, and anxiety. Early research indicates that women who undergo acupuncture in the first 72 hours of menstruation experience less discomfort and shorter periods. While more study is needed to make a stronger connection between acupuncture and reproductive health, this natural healing method can be an effective approach for women who feel their period affects their quality of life.


If you’re looking for an alternative to modern medicine or are simply curious about holistic wellness, you may be an ideal candidate for acupuncture. Marie Gonzales, L.Ac. of Nyack, NY, offers a variety of health and wellness services designed to address a number of emotional and physical ailments and restore balance to clients’ lives. To learn more about acupuncture treatments and Marie’s additional services, visit her website or call (845) 398-1312.
