
Regional climate and geography play an important role when it comes to growing a beautiful garden. While the south is the perfect region for lush vegetation, the hot summers can be brutal for your plants, which is why it’s important to know how to properly tend to your landscape. Below, the landscaping professionals at VistaScapes in Blairsville, GA, have some gardening advice for you to keep in mind this August.

3 Tips for Your Southern Garden in August

1. Water in the Morning

landscapingThe best time to water your garden is in the early morning. Plants wilt under the hot southern sun; a supply of water in the morning will be sufficient to last them throughout the day. Be careful not to overwater the garden, or you will run the risk of disease and infestation.

2. Add Mulch

Covering soil with mulch is essential during the summer. It slows the evaporation of water, which helps the roots retain water and nutrients. Mulch also acts as a barrier keeping the soil cool and preventing it from drying out beneath the sun. When laying on the mulch, be careful not to pack it on too tight or it could prevent water from reaching the soil.

3. Check for Weeds

During the summer, every splash of water counts for your garden. When weeds grow in, they compete with the plants for water, which is why it’s critical to eradicate them before they are fully grown. Check for weeds every morning while watering your plants, and remove any as soon as you identify them.

If you need some help maintaining your flourishing landscape or are going on vacation and need someone to tend to your plants, turn to VistaScapes. They offer a wide range of landscaping and hardscaping services to help you beautify your outdoor space, including design, installation, maintenance and fertilization. Call (678) 439-9125 to schedule a consultation with one of their landscaping experts or visit the website for more information.
