
Acupuncture is an ancient medical practice that originated in China. Practitioners use heat, needles, and sometimes herbs (in the larger context of Traditional Chinese medicine) to treat a variety of conditions, from chronic pain to insomnia. Are you curious about this ancient healing modality? The staff at Mid Rivers Chiropractic, serving St. Peters, MO, provides the following guide to the basics of acupuncture.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

The Meridian System

Acupuncture is based on a system of meridians that cover the entire body. The meridian system originated in ancient China at least 8,000 years ago. Also known as the primo vascular system, dye techniques and advanced imaging have now located the meridians in the physical body. These tiny pathways conduct “chi,” or life energy flow, and contain points that correspond to various organs and organ systems as they are defined within Traditional Chinese medicine. Applying stimulation to these points through the use of fine needles creates a healing effect in the body by rebalancing the flow of energy.

A Typical Session

Acupuncture is done with the patient fully clothed or in a gown. You may lie on a table face up or down depending on the treatment necessary. Some clinics also provide recliner-style chairs. The practitioner will talk with you first about symptoms, other treatments you are receiving, and will likely ask about lifestyle and diet. They will formulate an approach for the session based on what you tell them.

acupuncture-meridiansDuring acupuncture, needles are inserted into the points identified for the symptoms and issues presented. The needles are very fine—like a human hair—and the process is typically not painful. You may feel energy move in your body, a dull ache at the site of the needles, or nothing at all. This is all normal — however, you should not feel ongoing, sharp pain during the procedure. Patients rest with needles in place for about 30 minutes. After a session, you may feel energized, calm, or tired. Acupuncture can create benefits right away, but it is also a cumulative modality. You should expect several sessions over a few weeks to see significant results.

How Can You Use Acupuncture?

This useful modality can be used in conjunction with medical treatment for chronic and acute conditions such as arthritis, headaches, tendonitis, premenstrual syndrome, menopause, PTSD, depression, anxiety, cancer, and more. While it has not been proven that acupuncture alone can successfully treat these conditions, studies do show that it is an effective complementary medical treatment, and many western doctors now recognize acupuncture as a reasonable referral option. The World Health Organization also recognizes acupuncture as effective for many common ailments.

Consider acupuncture as an adjunct treatment for any of your health concerns. The staff at Mid Rivers Chiropractic offers acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, and treatment for sports injuries. Call (636) 279-1400 to schedule an appointment, or go to their website to learn more about their services.
