
Root canals may sound intimidating, but the procedure is virtually painless and has high success rates. If your dentist has recommended you have one, you may be curious about the process. The following guide explores the purpose of a root canal, why you might need one, and what you can expect at your appointment.

A Dentist’s Guide to Root Canals

What Is a Root Canal?

The procedure is named for the part of the tooth it treats. Each tooth has a pulp chamber at its core containing nerves and blood vessels. This is known as the root canal. When this chamber becomes infected or otherwise compromised, a dentist may recommend this solution.

What Does the Process Entail?

dentistThe dentist will numb you with a local anesthetic. Then, they will place a rubber dam on your mouth to prevent outside bacteria from entering the pulp chamber. Next, the dentist will remove the inflamed pulp, clean the area, and seal it. You may need to schedule a subsequent appointment to insert a crown, which will protect the weakened tooth from future damage.

Why Might I Need One?

Dental professionals recommend root canal therapy to save a tooth that has become infected or damaged. While fillings can address some forms of decay, damage penetrating the pulp chamber requires a more invasive approach. A large crack or damaged dental crown may also warrant root canal therapy.

How Can I Avoid Needing a Root Canal?

A consistent oral hygiene regimen is the best way to prevent damage to the root canal. In addition to brushing and flossing regularly, see the dentist for regular exams and cleanings to keep harmful plaque and tartar at bay. These twice-annual checkups will also catch issues early on to prevent conditions developing to the point where a root canal is necessary.


If you are in need of a root canal or other restorative dental work, see a dentist who puts patients at ease. At the office of Anthony J Adams DDS – Healthy Body Dental, patients feel they are in caring, capable hands. From root canals to cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Adams and his team specialize in providing a natural, holistic approach to treatment. Learn more about the practice online or call (727) 799-3123 to schedule an appointment.
