
Fertilizer provides vegetable gardens with the extra boost of nutrients they need to develop strong root systems and deliver beautiful produce. The right fertilizer for your veggie garden depends on what you are growing, the type of soil it’s planted in, and the season in which it grows. Summer vegetables such as tomatoes, for example, require sizable nitrogen doses. Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing your next vegetable fertilizer.

How to Select the Right Fertilizer for Your Vegetable Garden

1. Conduct a Soil Test & Read Fertilizer Labels

Start by performing a soil test to check the pH level, and make appropriate changes before feeding the garden with fertilizer. Then, read the numbers on commercial fertilizers to avoid purchasing a product that will burn your soil type. Fertilizers feature three-number ratios: The first number indicates the nitrogen percentage; the second, the phosphate percentage; and the third, the potash (or potassium) percentage. 

2. Avoid Chemical Fertilizers

fertilizerAvoid chemical fertilizers whenever possible since they can burn crops or result in unnaturally large and less flavorful produce. They can also harm the soil microorganisms responsible for turning waste into nutrients, eventually creating barren ground. Popular organic options include animal manure, rock phosphate, cottonseed and blood meal, and fish emulsion. Natural fertilizers also add organic nutrients to the soil to protect against bacteria and fungus. 

3. Look for Slow-Release Options

Use slow-release fertilizers to provide vegetables with a consistent diet that neither overwhelms nor starves your plants, such as most organic fertilizers. You can also make your own compost to give the vegetable garden the slow release of nutrients it needs to thrive. Research organic possibilities based on the season to administer the right doses at the right time.


Landscaper’s Corner provides gardeners throughout Lexington, KY, with quality, affordable products, including fertilizer, mulch, and landscaping supplies. The friendly team also offers numerous services to keep your property green and beautiful, including landscape design and lawn maintenance assistance. Call (859) 225-9433 to schedule service or visit the company online to review the inventory. Like the Facebook page for the latest tips and announcements.
