
Blocked drains range from a minor inconvenience to a serious issue that cam cause an overflow. This could potentially damage to your floors and walls. If you have a minor clog, there are some steps you can take before calling a plumber that may dislodge it. But keep in mind there are some practices that can worsen the situation. 


Try pouring hot water down the drain.

When a clog is forming early, you might be able to loosen it before it gets too bad. Boil a pot of water and pour it down the drain, then wait to see if it clears the clog. This won’t work for all clogs, but if you catch it when the drain is running slow, before a total clog occurs, you may not need a plumber’s assistance.

Prevent clogs in the first place.

plumberClean your drains regularly by pouring baking soda and vinegar down them. This is cheap, safe, and environmentally friendly.  

Always have a plunger on hand.

No home should be without a plunger. Keep a large one on hand for your toilet and a smaller one for sink clogs. You can start with boiling water, then vinegar and baking soda to loosen the clog. Follow it up 10 minutes later with the plunger to clear away a stubborn blockage.  


Attempt to free the clog using a liquid clog remover.

Acid clog removers are dangerous. As it’s dissolving a clog, it’s dissolving your pipes, too. You could also get burned in the process if any of the chemical gets on your skin. The risk to yourself, children, and pets is not worth keeping it in the house. If you can’t clear a stubborn clog, protect yourself and call a trusted plumber to do the job safely.


Bernie Buchner has served La Crosse, WI, for more than 60 years. Their team of plumbers is fast, experienced, and committed to customer service. They offer plumbing repair and installation services as well as HVAC services and repairs. They’re available 24 hours a day to serve you. Call (608) 784-9000 or send them a message online today to schedule services. 
