
Each day, people use crude oil products to fuel cars, airplanes, and many other important machines. Among the different types of fuel, heating oil is widely used to operate the furnaces that supply heat to your home. If you are thinking about using it next winter, it is important to know where and how your supply is produced. Here are a few facts regarding where heating oil comes from.

Where Heating Oil Comes From

Domestic Oil Refineries

Crude oil is converted into fuel at an oil refinery. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, there are currently 135 refineries operating in the United States. These plants run 24 hours a day and process about 19,000 barrels of crude oil per day. Refineries are also known for having a considerable amount of piping known as distillation columns. In these columns, various liquids are carried to and from different areas for chemical processing. 

Heating Oil

Other Countries

The United States also imports around 10.1 million barrels of crude oil from other countries. Out of the 84 partner countries, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela, and Iraq are the top five sources in 2018. When the demand for oil goes up during the winter months, the northeastern United States relies on these supplies to produce extra heating oil and other fuel. When the weather gets warmer, refiners also make and store imported oil for the next heating season. 


Are you considering making the switch to heating oil next winter? If you live in New London County, CT, have Andersen Oil Company deliver it to your home. With over 45 years of experience in heating oil delivery, they guarantee that you will be satisfied with their services and products. With their 24-hour service option, they will make sure you always have what you need no matter what time it is.  For more information about getting a free consultation, visit them online or give them a call at (860) 464-7628 today.  
