
Even if your home's foundation seems to be in top condition, subtle issues can gradually rear their head over time. From newly-raised areas to cracks and other signs of damage, these concerns will often go unnoticed, creating a variety of hazards in the process. That's why house leveling is such an important service, but how can you tell if you need it? To stay ahead of more serious problems, here are a few signs to watch out for on your property.

3 Signs It's Time for House Leveling

1. Cracks in Concrete

house levelingIt's only natural for concrete to crack over long periods of time, but there's a level of frequency and severity to look out for. If inspections uncover significant cracks, or there are cracks that have spread throughout the concrete at an unusually rapid pace, you could be dealing with shifting or sinking concrete. To remedy this problem you'll need to hire a professional service for foundation crack repair, followed by house leveling for proper stabilization.

2. Sloping Floors

Are your home's floors showing signs of sloping that weren't present in the past? The earlier you tackle this issue, the easier it will be to deal with water damage problems and other consequences of sunken concrete. House leveling, also known as "slabjacking," involves pumping a cement slurry beneath the concrete, lifting the surface back where it belongs. This is the most effective means of bringing concrete to its proper position and eliminating both indoor and outdoor sloping.

3. Leaning Chimneys

Another common indicator of the need for house leveling is a tilting chimney. Whether it's leaning over or away from your house, this is a dangerous situation that signals serious home foundation repair concerns. Proper leveling will help provide support where it's needed and avoid any of the serious ramifications associated with leaning chimneys.


A sloping or otherwise damaged foundation will only get worse if you don't take action, so get in touch with your local house leveling experts as soon as you notice any of the signs above. Case Foundation Systems has been the most reliable solution for residents throughout Louisville, KY, since 1944. They implement cutting-edge technology and up-to-date products for all services, which is precisely what your foundation deserves. Visit them online to learn more about the concrete lifting process, and call them at (502) 367-7706 to schedule a free estimate today.
