
Heavier flow is normal in the first day or two of your menstrual period; however, consistently heavy bleeding requiring you to change your pad or tampon every hour for one or more days is called menorrhagia. Gynecologists define this condition as more than 80ml of menstrual blood per period, or the equivalent to 16 saturated feminine care products. Learn what gynecologists suggest for heavy menstrual bleeding so you can maintain your active lifestyle:

Top 5 Gynecologist-Recommended Tips for Heavy Menstrual Periods

1. Write It Down

Keep a record of your period detailing how many pads or tampons you use each day. Records or diaries provide gynecologists with the information they need to design a personalized treatment course. List any health problems and medications you take as well, as certain conditions, diseases, and pharmaceuticals cause heavier periods. These include endometriosis, kidney disease, liver disease, blood thinners, and anti-inflammatory meds.

2. Take Hormone Balancers

Take steps to balance your hormones, as imbalances often cause the body to make the uterine lining too thick, resulting in heavy periods. Talk to your gynecologist about natural hormone balancers, progestin therapy, and oral contraceptives.

3. Ingest Salty Fluids

gynecologistIncrease your salty fluid intake to regulate your blood volume and reduce symptoms such as faintness and heart pounding. Drink tomato juice and salty broths—ingest between four and six cups per day to increase your blood volume.

4. Use Ibuprofen

Take ibuprofen as directed by your gynecologist to relieve menstrual cramps and decrease your flow rate. Ibuprofen is a type of anti-prostaglandin known to lessen cramp symptoms as well as menstrual flow. Your gynecologist will likely recommend taking a 200mg tablet every four to six hours.

5. Increase Iron Consumption

Increase your iron consumption to make up for blood lost to heavy menstruation. Take OTC tablets per your gynecologist’s recommendations and eat iron-rich foods such as spinach and other deep green vegetables, as well as egg yolks, dried prunes, and dried raisins.


Cincinnati Gynecology, William M. Jamieson, M.D. provides women’s health care services to residents throughout Southwest Ohio, including treatment for heavy periods, infertility, and menopause symptoms. Dr. Jamieson is a board-certified gynecologist and obstetrician dedicated to providing the highest level of care. Call (513) 241-7744 (Cincinnati location) or (513) 241-7744 (Mason location) to make an appointment today. Visit the website for more information and follow the Google+ page for additional women’s health tips.
