
When you are choosing a new roofing material, you should consider the shape of the structure. With the right calculation, the roof will be well-defended against leaks. Here, the contractors at Coulee Region Roofing & Siding in Onalaska, WI, share a few options that are common in the area. 

3 Types of Roofing & When You Need Them

1. Rubber

When you have a flat or low-pitched roof, the water doesn’t run off or drain easily. Because of the roof’s flat grade, water lingers, so the material must be as sealed as possible. Shingles aren’t a good option because there is a small degree of space between them and water will enter the home over time. On the other hand, rubber is waterproof and doesn’t have any seams or spaces for liquid to travel through. 

2. Asphalt

If you have a sloped roof, consider asphalt shingles. The roof’s angle gives water an easy exit and the overlap system prevents most leaks. Asphalt shingles are durable, affordable, and easy to install. They also offer a classic and clean look. They are built to stand up to strong winds and will stay in place after inclement weather.  

3. Slate 

Slate shingles are popular for their elegant look and timeless appeal. However, you should only install this material if the pitch of the roof is steep. Slate shingles don’t interlock as snugly as asphalt shingles do, so they are more vulnerable to leaks. But if you have a substantial slope, that steep grade won’t result in any standing water, making it an excellent roofing option. 

If you’re deciding on a new roofing material, consult the team at Coulee Region Roofing & Siding. These professionals have served the Wisconsin area for over 29 years with their roof installation and repair needs. Their team will help you find the best material for your budget, aesthetic preferences, and home shape. For more information about their services, call (608) 780-5582 or visit their website
