
Even small dental problems can be incredibly uncomfortable for children, especially since young kids can’t always explain their symptoms. Fortunately, by focusing on preventative care at home and visiting your dentist, you can prevent issues. Here are three mistakes to avoid making with your child’s teeth so you can help them to keep their smile comfortable. 

Mistakes That Can Damage Your Child’s Teeth

1. Putting Off Proper Dental Care

Although many parents don’t start worrying about oral health until their little one develops their first tooth, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends wiping down your child’s gums after feedings as soon as they are born. In addition to helping the smile to stay clean and healthy, this early approach helps kids to feel comfortable later at the dentist’s office, since they will be used to someone touching their teeth and gums. 

2. Sharing Utensils

While it might seem more convenient to let your child eat from your plate and drink from your cup, sharing utensils can facilitate saliva transfer, which can give your kid cavities. While children aren’t born with the kinds of oral bacteria that spark tooth decay, parents colonize their mouths with these damaging microorganisms by doing things like sharing utensils, blowing on food, and kissing their kids on the lips. To keep your child’s smile healthy, teach them to use their own utensils, and opt for cheek kisses instead. 

3. Offering Too Many Sweet Drinks 

dentistWhenever your child eats, the pH of their saliva becomes more acidic for a short period, putting their dental enamel at risk for cavity development. Unfortunately, these cavities can grow quickly if kids sip on sweet drinks throughout the day since the sugar in sodas, orange juice, and milk are enough to feed oral bacteria. Instead of letting your child use sippy cups and drink from juice boxes during the day, dentists suggest offering water instead. 


Helping your child to keep their smile healthy and comfortable isn’t always easy, which is why the team at S. Jill Spurlin, DMD is ready to help. From preventative checkups and deep cleanings to careful restorative dentistry, Dr. Spurlin can help your little one to enjoy a smile they can be proud of. To book an appointment, send their office a message online or call (334) 475-2624.
