
GI doctor sees patients for a variety of digestive conditions, including bloating. This condition is characterized by a feeling of uncomfortable swelling in the abdomen. In addition to a sensation of fullness, it is usually accompanied by other symptoms. If you are experiencing this problem, learn more about some of the possible causes and how a gastroenterologist can help. 

GI Doctor’s Guide to Bloating 

Common Symptoms 

Prospect GI DoctorPatients who are bloated often have distended or enlarged bellies. They may also burp or pass gas frequently. Some people also experience aching in their abdomen. 

Typical Causes 

Indigestion or constipation can cause abdominal bloating. Additional contributors include pregnancy, PMS, and menstruation. It is also common to experience abdominal swelling and discomfort if you suffer food allergies or aversions, such as lactose or gluten intolerance. Other explanations include consuming fried and greasy foods, eating too quickly, or eating to excess. 

If you experience symptoms on a regular basis, see a gastroenterologist. While there are many benign reasons for bloating, the condition could also be a sign of digestive disorders like celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Liver disease, colon cancer, hernias, and gallstones are also known to cause a distended belly.

Possible Treatments 

Treatment for your bloating depends on the cause. Your GI doctor will give you a physical exam and review your medical history to determine the underlying problem. Some patients may benefit from simple lifestyle changes, such as improving their diet or eating smaller meals throughout the day. 

If your doctor suspects a digestive disorder, they may recommend a colonoscopy, liver biopsy, or endoscopy to investigate further. If you have a condition like celiac disease, IBS, or a liver disorder, they may prescribe medications, infusions, dietary supplements, or surgery to alleviate symptoms. 


If you’re concerned about the severity or frequency of your bloating, it’s time to visit a gastroenterology clinic. The physicians of Naugatuck Valley Gastroenterology Consultants in Prospect, CT, are committed to carefully diagnosing and treating your digestive disorders to promote a better quality of life. To make an appointment with a GI doctor who will design and create a customized treatment plan, call the practice at (203) 756-6422. For information about their services and endoscopy center, visit their website. Explore how to better care for your digestive health by following them on Facebook
