
Gingivitis, also known as gum disease, is a serious dental condition often caused by poor oral care habits. If left unaddressed, it can leave permanent damage in the mouth. It can turn into a more aggressive form of gum disease, including periodontitis, which can lead to tooth and bone loss. As a leading dentistry practice serving the Thomasville, NC, area, the office of Nicholas J. Hurley, DDS, PA, wants to educate patients on the symptoms of gingivitis so they can act promptly if they ever discover signs in themselves.

Dentistry Professionals List 5 Early Warning Signs of Gingivitis

1. Swelling or Puffiness

Because gum disease causes inflammation, it is often characterized by swelling or puffiness along the gum line. You may also notice your gums darkening in color to a deep red hue.

2. Sensitivity

Take note if your gums become sensitive to hot or cold temperatures from food and drinks. Built-up plaque and tartar along the gums can cause discomfort when consuming substances of high or low temperatures.

3. Bleeding After Brushing/Flossing

dentistryYour gums should never bleed after brushing or flossing. If they do, it’s either an indication that oral hygiene is lacking or another underlying condition, such as gingivitis, needs to be addressed by a professional. 

4. Receding Gum Line

If you can see more surface area of your teeth than before, it’s likely due to receding gums. While gums may recede naturally with age, significant and rapid differences are abnormal and a cause for concern.

5. Foul Breath

Lastly, persistent halitosis, or bad breath, can also point to gum disease. It can result from the hardened tartar that has caused the gums to become irritated, and it requires a professional cleaning to be eradicated.

While gingivitis is typically caused by poor oral care, some individuals, like those on certain medications or individuals who smoke, face greater risks of developing the disease. For this reason, it’s a good idea to discuss your risk factors with the staff at Nicholas J. Hurley, DDS, PA. Their dentistry experts will develop a tailored prevention plan to help you maintain optimal gum health well into the future. To schedule a visit, call (336) 476-1109 or request an appointment online.
