
Your AC impacts your health and quality of life. If your home doesn’t have an air conditioner or if the one you have is old and unreliable, it’s time to hire an air conditioning contractor to install a new system. Buying a new AC is an investment in your comfort, safety, and air quality, so it pays to invest in this method of temperature regulation.


Summer is heating up, and every day it’s more difficult to maintain a comfortable indoor climate. But with a new air conditioner, it will be easy to cool off. Talk to your air conditioning contractor about the size and type of system which will work best in your home—and don’t forget to ask about energy-saving models, which are good for the environment and your wallet.


In the year’s hottest months, staying cool can be more than a matter of comfort. Spiking temperatures can result in heat exhaustion and heat stroke, even in the shade. A comfortable, air-conditioned home helps prevent these maladies. This is especially important for the elderly and those with chronic illnesses, who cannot combat the heat as well.

Air Quality

Air ConditioningWhen your air conditioner pumps air, it passes through a filtration system that removes dust and allergens from circulation. Your air conditioner will come with a basic filter, but you can also ask your air conditioning contractor about certified high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, which remove pollen and some bacteria. This way, you can avoid throat irritation, allergies, and many airborne illnesses.


Improve your health and your comfort by choosing RC Rogers Company in Cambridge, OH, as your air conditioning contractor. Their reliable AC service and furnace maintenance will keep your home at the perfect temperature any time of year. They also offer fast, skilled commercial HVAC installation and repairs for the area’s businesses. To schedule an appointment, call (740) 685-8677, and visit them online to learn more about their residential services.
