
If you’ve recently purchased or leased a new ride, you’re likely eager to hit the road and spend time behind the wheel. But have you thought about what you’ll do when your car needs a pick-me-up? Regular maintenance is crucial to the quality and longevity of vehicles, and Quick Lane at Jack Kain Ford is happy to provide such services to Versailles, KY, area motorists. Here, this trusted auto center touches on the advantages of regular maintenance, and how often your car deserves professional help.

Why Do Cars Need Regular Maintenance?

auto centerIf you enjoy driving your new car, the thought of a stall, breakdown, or similar scenario can be unpleasant. However, these accidents are not just products of chance—you can prevent them by bringing your vehicle in for routine maintenance. Not only will oil changes, engine tuneups, and tire alignments make your car last longer, but they will also improve its efficiency. This means, your car will do more with less energy, so you can save on gas and safeguard the vehicle’s internal parts. Plus, routine auto center inspections may catch minor issues that are invisible to the average driver, preventing them from becoming major, expensive problems.

How Often Should I Schedule Maintenance for My Vehicle?

Depending on what kind of car you own, how much you drive it, and how old it is, your suggested maintenance schedule can vary greatly. Luckily, Quick Lane at Jack Kain Ford offers an invaluable tool for their customers on their website. By typing your vehicle information into this maintenance schedule estimator, you can find out how often your car can reasonably make do without a tuneup. In most cases, you should schedule a tuneup at least once a year, and make trips to the mechanic whenever something out of the ordinary arises. If a notification pops up on the dash, your car becomes hard to maneuver, or you detect strange noises or smells, bring it to a team of technicians as soon as possible.

If your vehicle could benefit from a trained eye, contact Quick Lane at Jack Kain Ford today at (877) 837-1796. They offer everything from wheel alignments to battery testing, so you can rest assured your car is in safe hands. For more information on this auto center’s wide range of services, visit their website.
