
During the summer months, many people like to enjoy the warm weather outside. Unfortunately, this is also the time of year when the outside often comes in. As you anticipate your pest control needs this season, keep in mind the various insects that invade homes during summer. Here are five of the most common offenders.

Common Creatures to Consider in Your Pest Control Plans

1. Termites

After it rains, termites often swarm from their nests to form new colonies. During this time, there’s a risk they may settle into your home’s foundation and eat away at the supports unless you take proper precautions. Avoid this by replacing wood whenever it starts to rot and keep moisture from pooling. By removing the termites’ resources, you’ll remove the elements that draw them to a location.

2. Mosquitoes

pest controlAs well as causing itchy, irritating bites, mosquitoes often carry disease-causing pathogens. One of the best ways to keep them out is to make sure all your windows seal properly. If you use screens, inspect them before the summer begins, and replace any that have holes or are starting to crumble.

3. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are hardy enough to thrive at all times of the year, but they’re often especially virulent during the warm summer months. One pest control strategy you can employ to discourage them from infesting your home is to keep things clean. They’re attracted to crumbs, garbage, and dirt, so removing those food sources will often remove the cockroaches, as well.

Also, consider keeping your home cool. Roaches prefer slightly warmer air temperatures, so running the air conditioning may encourage them to seek a different environment.

4. Ticks

Ticks often travel into the house by riding on pets who’ve been playing outside. The best way to keep them away is to inspect your pets carefully and to keep the yard trimmed. Cut the grass regularly and rake away dead leaves. Without a habitat to hide in, they’ll be less likely to come around.

5. Ants

It may feel almost impossible to keep ants out of your home during summer, but effective strategies exist. Professional exterminators spray all the places where the ants may enter, and they put out chemicals that the worker ants will carry back to their nests, reducing their population.


Are you looking for assistance with raccoon removal, bedbug treatment, and general pest control issues around Lewisburg, OH? Let the experts at AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal handle it. With over 35 years in business, they have the experience to take care of all your needs, whether you need help with an infestation or with taking preventative measures. Learn more today by visiting them online or calling (937)884-5646.
