
Your window screens are something you don’t usually worry about until they need repairs. Although quite durable, window screens are susceptible to damage when exposed to the elements and severe weather conditions. Fortunately, you don’t have to replace them right away, as they can be fixed through window screen repair. To ensure that they last, you should take note of the common problems you may encounter.

How to Address Window Screen Damage

1. Rips & Tears

window screen repairAs time goes by, you may find that the corners, as well as the sides of the window screen, become frayed. This is due to heat exposure or sudden changes in the temperature, making the metal contract and expand. This causes the bonds in the metal to weaken, resulting in torn mesh fibers. To address this problem, outdoor glue may be used to put back the torn fibers. It is also wise to regularly check your windows for signs of wear that might need the expertise of a window screen repair company.

2. Debris Buildup

Window screens are effective at keeping debris like leaves outside of the house. However, the debris may get stuck on the screen and build up over time, which can affect the airflow in your home. Whenever you see signs of buildup, brush the mesh using an old toothbrush or a hard-bristled brush to remove them. Sucking them out using a vacuum may help as well.

3. Bent or Broken Frames

The most noticeable problem with window screens is bent or broken frames. This happens when a strong external force, such as a punch or a thrown ball, hits the frame. One way to prevent this is to be more careful around the window screen. But, if the damage has already been done, a window screen repair specialist should be called to fix it.


A damaged window screen adversely affects the aesthetic of the entire house, as it is one of the first things a guest sees. If you need help with your window screens, you can talk to the experienced staff of Black's Hardware in Rochester, NY. They specialize in window screen repair along with glass repair and replacement. They can also duplicate car keys and have plumbing parts such as fittings and couplings for sale. Call (585) 544-9896 for inquiries or visit their website today.
