
In almost all cases, broken pipes will require repairs from a professional plumber. However, there are a handful of steps you can take to mitigate any extra damage while you wait for help. To keep your plumbing system safe, follow the tips below.

4 Quick Fixes for Broken Pipes

1. Fill Them With Epoxy

As soon as you notice the leak, patch up the pipe with epoxy compounds. Although this material works best on cast iron, it should provide enough protection with any type of pipe to hold you over until the plumber arrives. 

2. Wrap Them

broken pipesWraps are helpful for broken pipes because they reinforce the surface to temporarily stop leaks. All you have to do is apply them to the problem areas and allow them to solidify.  

3. Use Clamps

Clamps are also beneficial in the event your pipes spring a leak. They will cover the crack tightly, preventing water from spilling out onto the floor and causing property damage.

4. Try Pipe Connectors

You can also wrap your broken pipes with rubber connectors. These work similarly to clamps, providing a tight seal against the crack to keep wastewater from pooling onto your floor. 

5. Shut Off the Water Supply

If your pipes freeze, burst, or experience any other serious trauma, shut off the water supply to your home. Do this as soon as possible—otherwise, a minor leak could lead to extensive flooding in the home, posing both structural and health risks to you and your family.

When you’re faced with broken pipes, turn to Gonzo's Plumbing Service & Repair in Bullhead City, AZ, for assistance. They provide clients in the area with plumbing repair, installation, cleaning, and bathroom remodeling services. Give them a call today at (928) 727-1966 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website for more information on their services. 
