
Tooth extractions are a common dental procedure, especially for young adults whose wisdom teeth are emerging. It’s a relatively simple surgery, but proper aftercare is essential. The staff at Bethel Family Dentistry in Bethel, OH, understands that you may have a lot of questions following surgery, and they’re prepared to answer some of the most common ones they receive. By sticking to the guidelines your family dentist provides, you can ensure a successful and quick recovery.

4 FAQs About Tooth Extraction Aftercare

What Should I Do About Bleeding?

family-dentistFollowing surgery, your family dentist will have you bite down on gauze. This will help a blood clot form at the surgical site. It’s not uncommon to experience additional bleeding later and even the next day. This means that the wound is healing properly. To help, change the gauze every 30 minutes. Make sure to bite down firmly in increments of 30–45 minutes to get the best results.

What Do I Do About Nausea?

Anesthesia affects everyone differently after surgery, and it’s normal for some people to deal with nausea. To help, stick to clear liquids before and after surgery. If you don’t vomit for several hours, you can try soft foods. Avoid dairy products or acidic foods, as these can make nausea worse. If it worsens, contact your family dentist.

What Can I Eat?

When you’re ready to eat, stick with soft, cool foods. Hot foods may interfere with a blood clot forming. Only chew on the side of your mouth that wasn’t operated on. Also, stay away from crunchy foods; when they break up, they can get into the surgical site and cause problems.

What Is a Dry Socket & How Do I Avoid It?

Dry sockets occur when the blood clot on the surgical site breaks down too early and falls out. It usually occurs several days after surgery and can be extremely painful, have a foul odor, and cause bad breath. You’ll also need to visit your family dentist again to address the issue. Avoid it by not smoking, drinking through straws, or sucking on anything, and by practicing good oral hygiene.

If you’re ready for a tooth extraction or need dental care, turn to a family dentist at Bethel Family Dentistry. They provide all the services needed, including cosmetic dentistry, and can address a variety of issues ranging from toothaches to gum disease. Call (513) 734-2029 today to schedule a dental cleaning and visit their Facebook page to learn more.
