
Chiropractors do more than adjust your spine and joints. Most make recommendations for nutrition and dietary supplements, too. More than 80% of Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) include nutritional therapy as part of their practice as Americans are becoming more health conscious and seeking holistic solutions for their health concerns. Eastern Hills Chiropractic, serving Cincinnati, OH, offers the following reasons why seeing a chiropractor can also help your nutrition.

How Chiropractors Work With Nutrition

1. Food & Spinal Wellness

nutritionYou are likely well-aware of the dangers of excess sugar, fats, and processed foods. It is easy to link food to digestive issues, obesity, and diseases like diabetes. But food and nutrition impact spinal wellness, too. Inflammation that results from poor diet and nutrition affects the nervous system as well as joint and bone health. The bones of the spine can become compromised as a result of mineral or vitamin deficiency, poor posture that is a result of fatigue or excess weight, or conditions that are exacerbated by poor nutrition such as rheumatoid arthritis. When the spinal bones are stressed or move out of place, this further disrupts the body systems associated with those nerves and vertebrae. Chiropractic alignments can adjust vertebrae into proper position and relieve pain, but chronic systemic inflammation should be addressed as a core health issue by focusing on dietary causes.

2. Supplements

In addition to focusing on proper nutrition through food, many chiropractors are well-versed in the use of vitamin supplements, protein powders, and herbal formulas. They understand how various supplements interact with each other and can look at your individual diet and lifestyle to see which, if any, additions would be beneficial.

3. Muscle Testing

Many DCs learn applied kinesiology as part of their education. Through this modality, which uses muscle testing as a diagnostic tool, doctors can assess which foods may be helpful or harmful. This gives a patient a place to start when choosing foods and nutritional supplements. 

Chiropractic care both supports and is supported by good nutrition. In order for spinal adjustments to have their full beneficial effect, it is necessary for the body to have the proper vitamins and minerals. Healthy foods maintain bone and joint health, proper digestion, and optimal blood and oxygen flow. Eastern Hills Chiropractic’s team offers nutritional counseling, massage therapy, auto accident care, and traditional chiropractic care. To make an appointment or learn more about services, call (513) 528-2200 or visit their website.
