
Many traffic violations become a part of your driving record, and a driving record often determines how much you pay for car insurance. If you've received a traffic ticket and are concerned about how it could impact your auto insurance rates, there are some steps to take to lower out-of-pocket costs. Below, traffic lawyer Michael Newland of the Michael A. Newland Law Office in Hamilton, OH, shares three ways to lower your car insurance rates.

3 Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Rates

1. Compare Prices

traffic lawyerJust because you've been with a certain insurer for a long time doesn't mean you need to stick with them once your policy is up. Whether you've been with your car insurance company for 10 years or 10 months, it's always advisable to shop around for the best rates. Fortunately, many online insurers make this a breeze as they will often list their own rates in comparison to other companies' rates for the same policy. Be sure you're getting all the coverage you need and don't limit yourself to insurers with a big online presence; make some phone calls and check with local agencies—you just might find a better rate.

2. Buy a Plan With Higher Deductibles

Higher deductibles can dramatically lower the cost of an auto insurance plan. Of course, this also means that if you get in an accident, you will have higher out-of-pocket obligations to meet before your insurance kicks in. But this is a good way to lower your rates if you're generally a cautious driver concerned about the impact a traffic ticket might have on the cost of your policy. If you're curious about how a citation could affect your insurance policy, always check with your traffic lawyer for clarification before diving into a higher-deductible plan.

3. Bundle Your Insurance Plans

If you have other types of insurance such as homeowner's or renter's insurance, many companies will offer bundle deals that allow you to add coverage for your vehicle for a price cheaper than buying each plan separately. Generally, the more types of insurance you bundle, the more cost-effective it is. This is also much easier because it means one monthly payment for your insurance as opposed to separate payments to multiple agencies.

By comparing prices, choosing higher deductibles, and exploring bundles, you can make financially savvy decisions that ensure you have all the coverage you need to be a safe and responsible driver. One of the best ways to keep insurance costs low is to maintain a clean driving record, but if you've received a ticket that you feel is unjust, options are available to fight the charges against you. Let the Michael A. Newland Law Office help. He also offers representation as a DUI, will, and family law attorney. Call (513) 887-9595, visit his office online, or contact the office on Twitter to schedule a consultation with a traffic lawyer today.
