
Throughout the life span of a window, it's not unusual for the unit to require some repairs. Staying on top of problems now will prevent larger, costlier issues further down the road. Below, the window specialists at NuVue Products in Cincinnati, OH, discuss three common repairs and how a window professional can remedy them.

3 Common Window Repairs

1. Stuck Windows

A stuck window can be frustrating to deal with. Older windows and older homes tend to have this problem most often, but it can happen to any unit regardless of age. You can attempt to pry open the window yourself, but that won't address the root of the problem. Your window specialist will locate the reason the unit is getting stuck—typically because of temperature and humidity changes or too many layers of paint on the window frame—and help you identify workable solutions

2. Drafts

A drafty window isn't only uncomfortable, but it can also cause your heating or cooling costs to skyrocket. A window professional will perform a comprehensive investigation of the unit to locate the source of the draft. In most cases, this is due to a faulty or broken seal that is preventing the unit from being as well-insulated as it could be.

3. Broken Glass or Window Panes

window specialistsBroken window glass or panes are unsightly and potentially dangerous, and they pose a security risk as well. This is an issue you want to have addressed by a professional right away. A contractor can come in and perform a new window installation with little stress or upheaval to your daily routine, and you'll have a new window that is safe, secure, and functional in no time.

The window specialists at NuVue Products are here to help you with any repairs, no matter how big or small. Their team utilizes more than six decades of industry experience to provide you with the exceptional service and craftsmanship your home deserves. Call (513) 631-1801 or visit their website to set up an estimate or to discuss your window issue.
