
Like other mechanical devices, heating and air conditioning systems require regular upkeep to run efficiently and prevent unnecessary repairs. While most of it should be done by a licensed HVAC technician, there are some maintenance tasks you can perform on your own. 

5 Maintenance Tasks You Should Do to Keep Your HVAC Running

1. Change the Filters

When filters get dirty from dust and debris, it reduces the airflow through your heating and air conditioning system, which will cause your unit to use more energy to heat or cool your home. Filters should be changed based on the manufacturer’s recommendation, which is typically every one to three months.

2. Perform a Visual Inspection

Taking a close look at your HVAC’s main units can help you catch problems before they escalate. For example, are the coils dirty or frozen? Is there excess water in the drain pan? If the answer is yes, calling a professional for service can prevent a major repair.

3. Change the Thermostat’s Batteries

heating and airThe thermostat controls your heating and air conditioning system, so when its batteries die, the entire system can stop working. Batteries should be changed at least once a year to prevent an unexpected breakdown.

4. Test the Controls

Every now and then, it’s a good idea to test all of the controls on your unit to make sure they’re in good working condition. Turn on the startup and shutdown cycles and adjust the temperature settings to make sure they respond.

5. Schedule Annual Checkups With a Technician

Annual maintenance is a must if you want your HVAC system to continue operating efficiently. As part of the service, a certified technician will clean the units, tighten connections, and check refrigerant levels.


Preston Reeves Heating & Air Conditioning has helped residents in Hilliard, FL, with their heating and air conditioning needs for almost 60 years. Whether you need duct cleaning or HVAC installation, their licensed technicians can perform the job quickly and affordably. To schedule an appointment, call (904) 845-3338 and like them on Facebook today.
