
Parkinson’s disease continues to be one of the most complex and debilitating medical conditions. People living with it face a variety of challenges every day, which is why the volunteers at Connecticut Advocates for Parkinson’s in Windsor, CT, are committed to providing support and helping others fight Parkinson’s. If you want to help, becoming a member is an excellent place to begin. You’ll provide invaluable aid for people living with the disease and their families and contribute to the global goal of finding a cure.

There are many ways to help the Parkinson’s support community, including:

  • Funding Support Groups: People with Parkinson’s disease deal with a variety of symptoms that affect their day-to-day life. Mobility issues can be defeating for both them and their families. Connecticut Advocates for Parkinson’s focuses on funding support groups. As a member, you’ll collect donations to fuel these, ensuring people with the disease always have somewhere to turn and a way to fight Parkinson’s.
  • fight-parkinsons-connecticut-advocates-for-parkinsonsConnecting Others With Clinical Trials: Finding a cure is crucial while people fight Parkinson’s, and clinical trials play a major role. Patients can try new medications and treatment methods. Connecticut Advocates for Parkinson’s connects people with trials. As a member, you’ll ensure volunteers have access to cutting-edge treatment possibilities while supporting the medical community’s search for a cure.
  • Supporting Research: There are many ways to improve the lives of people with Parkinson’s disease; however, the ultimate goal is a cure. Ongoing research is exploring numerous options and requires regular funding. As a member of this group, you’ll support clinical research and spread the word about innovations for patients and the larger medical community.

If you’re ready to fight Parkinson’s with Connecticut Advocates for Parkinson’s, join today! You’ll be working with a passionate team and a network of related charities to better the lives of people living with this disease and help future generations by supporting research. Call (860) 266-6040 to speak with a representative and visit their website and Facebook page to learn more about becoming a member.
