
Plumbing problems can be easy to spot if you know what to look for. According to Steve's Plumbing & Heating, a top plumber in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, addressing issues early is key to preventing hassles, headaches, and costly repairs. To help residents gauge when they have a problem that needs attention, he offers a simple guide to telltale signs.

How to Tell if You Need a Plumber 

1. Trace Any Water-Related Damage

Stains are obvious indicators of plumbing trouble. Check the walls and ceiling for any discoloration, as it often implies buildup-related issues. Mold tends to thrive in moist areas, so if you spot any, there may be a leak. 

2. Note Changes in Water Pressure

plumberHow effectively water flows from various household fixtures tells you a lot about the current state of your plumbing system. For instance, lower shower pressure may indicate a clog. Similarly, if you hear dripping around the house or observe that the faucet never entirely turns off, you may have a worn-out washer.

3. Consult Your Water Bill

If you notice the water bill has been increasing for no discernible reason, it may be time to call a plumber. If you haven’t had a recent influx of guests, then a leak is the likeliest culprit of the expense. Have a professional inspect the house to find and resolve the source of the problem.

If you notice any of these red flags, reach out to Steve's Plumbing & Heating right away. Offering 24-hour service, a plumber will be available to troubleshoot the issue and provide quality repairs. They help with everything from drips and leaks to drain maintenance. To speak with a professional today about your needs, call (715) 421-1800. Learn more about the range of services they offer, including heating and air conditioning, by visiting their website
