
Approximately 50 million Americans suffer from severe chronic discomfort, and neck pain is one of the most common forms, according to The American Pain Society. While almost everyone experiences stiffness or soreness once in a while, those with the issue find that it impairs their ability to drive, work, or perform other daily activities. Below is a brief guide to the causes of neck pain and how to treat it. 

Causes of Neck Pain

The neck is part of the spinal system, made up of vertebrae, nerves, and discs. Pain usually results from trauma to the upper vertebrae. Bad habits like a poor posture or sleeping position can lead to a vertebrae shift, crowding the nerves between them. Often referred to as a pinched nerve, the condition causes significant pain. Further, moving the neck suddenly forward and backward or from side to side—often referred to as whiplash—can sprain it or tear its tendons. Stress and anxiety also induce muscles in that area to tighten, aggravating previously mentioned conditions and intensifying discomfort.

How to Treat It

neck painYou can try home treatments such as ice packs, exercises, and over-the-counter pain medicines to alleviate some of the neck discomfort you experience. A chiropractor can also examine the area and take X-rays to determine the best course of action and treatment plan. They can also adjust and realign your vertebrae and massage to loosen tight muscles. A professional will suggest lifestyle changes, such as using different pillows, and advise about exercises that relieve pain.


If you’re experiencing chronic neck pain in Manhattan, NY, turn to the team at Pure Balance. The chiropractic and wellness facility specializes in treating such issues and discomfort. Their certified team offers everything from pain management services to nutritional counseling for all ages in a relaxing setting. To schedule a consultation, call (212) 661-5656 today. For more information on their expertise, visit them online today.
