
Brand-new residential HVAC systems operate more efficiently than older ones. However, you don’t always have to upgrade to a new heating and air conditioning setup to improve your utility bills. In fact, with a few easy changes, you can increase the efficiency of your existing system. Below, Air Control Company in Lexington, KY, shares three tips for homeowners to improve their HVAC efficiency and minimize their electricity bills.

Reduce Residential HVAC Utility Bills With These 3 Tips

1. Change Your Filter Regularly

When the air filters in your heater or AC unit have been in place for a few months, they get clogged with all the hair, dust, and pet fur they’ve removed from the air. It’s a good idea to switch them out every 90 days or so to improve the air quality in your home.

2. Use a Smart Thermostat

residential hvacProgrammable thermostats allow you to control the temperature in your home from wherever you are. This way, you can automatically turn down the AC when you’re gone and turn it up before you get home so your place is the perfect temperature when you arrive. Plus, if you ever forget to make an adjustment before walking out the door, you’ll be able to do so from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.

3. Get Yearly Inspections

Homeowners can benefit from having yearly residential HVAC inspections. During these appointments, experienced contractors will assess your heater and AC to see if you need any maintenance or repairs. They may recommend duct cleaning or adjusting the temperature to make your HVAC more efficient for each season. 

Without replacing your residential HVAC system, you can still upgrade it to use less electricity and run as smoothly as possible thanks to filter changes, programmable thermostats, and yearly inspections. To set up an appointment with the skilled technicians at Air Control Company and have your HVAC assessed, call (859) 253-1734. They’ll install, maintain, and repair residential and commercial heating and cooling systems. Visit the website for information on their emergency service and to see why residents have trusted the company for over 15 years.
