
Going to the dentist can be especially intimidating for children, and negative experiences can lead to lifelong phobias. Fortunately, there are a few ways to keep your child calm about upcoming visits, as well as establish a relationship with the dentist and healthy dental care practices.

How to Make Your Kid Comfortable About a Dentist Visit

1. Avoid Trouble Words

Staying positive is imperative leading up to a visit, especially if your child has had a negative experience previously. They can be very sensitive to language, so avoid using trouble words like “hurt,” “pain,” “cavity,” and “shot.” Speak optimistically so they understand that going to the dentist is a positive experience and good for their health.

2. Role-Play

dentist-four-corners-dental-groupGames can be a powerful tool for children, especially for making positive associations. Leading up to their visit, role-play at home. Do mock dentist visits where they’re both the patient and the dentist and try to mimic teeth cleaning in a fun, comfortable way. It’s the perfect time to educate them and use positive language, as well as overcome existing phobias they may have already developed.

3. Set an Example

The way you approach and respond to situations impacts your children, so stay positive about the dentist. Show them you aren’t afraid. They’ll trust you and go into the appointment with less worry. Start at home and continue to lead by example when you arrive at the dentist office. They’ll want to mimic your courage, which will lead to a better overall experience.


If you’re ready to schedule a dental care visit for you or your child, turn to the professionals at Four Corners Dental Group in Alaska. A pediatric dentist will work closely to ensure your child is comfortable, and their team is committed to educating patients about proper oral health. They’re proud to offer affordable general, emergency, and laser dentistry services and can address a variety of dental issues. Call (907) 258-3384 today to schedule an appointment at their Anchorage office or (907) 376-2790 for Wasilla, AK, and visit their website and Facebook page to learn more.
